2022-12-22 | YouTube
In November 2022 Akelius was evaluating the conditions to start the language online course for students in elementary school in... watch video
2022-11-16 | PMU
Three years into the pandemic, we can now see the negative effects of closed schools and interrupted studies...
2022-11-09 | YouTube
UNICEF and the Akelius foundation have introduced an e-learning platform into Italian schools for language learning.... read more
2022-08-16 | akelius-foundation.org
Long-term programmes in India, Philippines, Cambodia, Haiti, Palestine and Ukraine – including support to refugees and migrants in Serbia. donor report
Support for refugee and migrant children and families. annual report
2022-07-26 | Aftonbladet
Huda and Jihad are primary school students from Syria, who attend the 9th Primary School in Ioannina...
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2022-06-28 | UNICEF
On education, through a public-private partnership between UNICEF and the Swedish Akelius Foundation, 2,000 primary students... read more
2022-06-28 | UNICEF
The war in Ukraine – and the destruction wrought on the education system – is having a dramatic impact on the lives... read more
2022-06-28 | YouTube
The Akelius Digital Language Learning Course, now being piloted by UNICEF in 10 countries, is made available on tablets... watch video
2022-06-20 | Infomigrants
A school teacher about her experience teaching children literacy using the Akelius platform... read more
2022-06-14 | United Nations
Botagoz Baurzhankyzy, a 12-year-old girl, attends secondary school No. 186 in Akzhar village, Almaty region.... read more
2022-05-23 | UNICEF
Insamlingen till Ukrainakrisen nådde rekordnivåer i mars… read more
2022-04-12 | Dagens Industri
Vid krigsutbrottet lovade fastighetsmiljardären Roger Akelius, som tidigare bott i Jönköping, att dubbla alla gåvor till Sverige för UNHCR och Unicef i Sverige som samlades in i mars… read more
2022-04-02 | Jönköpings Posten
2022-04-01 | Dagens Industri
Viljan att ge sitt stöd till de som drabbats av kriget i Ukraina når nya rekordnivåer… read more
2022-04-01 | Expressen
Akelius platform supports the education of refugee and migrant children in Serbia... read more
2022-03-25 | Dagens Industri
Roger Akelius och Di:s kampanj där fastighetsmiljardären dubblar Ukrainagåvor till UNHCR och Unicef passerade på fredagen 1 miljard kronor. Kampanjen fortsätter månaden ut och enligt Roger Akelius är det sannolikt att den når 1,2 miljarder kronor… read more
2022-03-08 | UNICEF
När Ryssland invaderade Ukraina lovade fastighetsmiljardären Roger Akelius att dubbla alla donationer till FN-programmen UNHCR och Unicef i Sverige under mars… read more
2022-03-01 | Fastighetsvarlden
Fastighetsmiljardären Roger Akelius vill dra sitt strå till stacken och hjälpa ukrainare på flykt… read more
2022-03-01 | Sverige för UNHCR
The implementation and effectiveness of digital learning for Syrian refugees in Lebanon... read more
2022-03-01 | Dagens Industri
To facilitate the acquisition of French language by marginalized children and adolescents, UNICEF Mauritania partnered with Akelius... read more